Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cleaning - Night

Parties are always quite interesting things that can either be boring, or so fun that there's miniture explosions and its almost just too much to handle. Tonight was one of the latter. I'm honestly not sure whether this will remain true in the morning, since I'm not quite over the effects of food and punch, but I shall carry on regardless! Mwha!

Twas vampire masquerade themed, which meant I got to go with my trenchcoat, bloodied knife and tophat. I had a lot of fun with my costume, but then again, I always have a lot of fun with costume as anyone who knows me can attest to. I was proud, 5 people mistook me for a guy, which means I got my bindings right this time. And then I went swiming wearing a metal studded jacket which was... difficult, but at least I built some leg muscle. Of course, then there was the pile on, in which I was burried beneath a mountain of bodies.

My only problem was the discovery and explotation of my weak spots which I shall not put over the internets simply because they are my bloody weak points and I don't need them being used against me. >> Then there was the wrist biting... Still tingles. Ugh. I do the fucking biting and blood sucking, no one else. But they got bit back so it was all good in the end. Kaaaaarma's a bitch, ha. Though... I didn't do any biting myself. Odd but eh.

Wheeeee, says the little voice in my head right now. Yes, I do think that I might have lost a little too much oxygen and gotten a little too much of an adrenaline rush from sparing with some people with glow sticks. And losing badly... Oh I lost so badly, but I don't feel bad since he was twice my size and going into the marines. I am made of 100% certified squish, not a single muscle, for better or for worse. I have absolutely nothing more to talk about, other to say that it was a good time to be had by all, I'm currently experiencing hallucinations and I hope that the Empress has a happy birthday. Good night!

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