Sunday, February 1, 2009

Whoa hey. New post in... a good several months.

Not much has really changed really other then my age, transfer of America's power, and insignificant social details. So I guess I haven't had much to write about, or anything that I felt passionate enough to write about. Or maybe I just forgot about this blog thing completely. (Screw you, I can barely remember my name a times alright?)

I digress...

The reason I'm writing now? I'm not quite sure myself... I guess I'm really just ranting. Yeah, that's pretty much it. What about? People, whatever else do I ever rant about?

I'm just sick of fake people. So sick of them. Clamoring for anothers approval, saying whatever makes them well liked no matter what it takes to get to the top. Social cues and rules. 'You have to say this, not that.' 'You can't talk like that to him' 'She says this but she really means that.' It all makes a my skin crawl. Don't get me wrong. I play social games every now and then. They're inevitable sometimes it seems. But I'm so tired of it, it and people who come with it. They tell you anything, even if they don't believe in it themselves, if it will win you over onto their side, if they think that you can be another troop in their little 'Queen Bee' army.

Fuck all of it.

People confuse me. Most of them I don't understand, can't seem to understand, nor have any desire to understand. I'm bad at interpreting motives, just as bad as I am at concealing my own. Call it dense, naive, whatever the hell you want. I fail to see a need to complicate things even further than they are already. Life and coincidence seem to do a good enough job at that without any assistance from these 'social rules'. I say what the hell I mean, and I mean whatever the hell I say. Why make it any more difficult then that? If you like someone, go ahead and say it. If you're upset with someone, out with it and confront them. If you just don't like someone, only one way they're ever going to go away. Fuck the rest of the world. If people don't like you, remember, there's another 4 billion fleshy meatbags just like them. Have fun, life is way too short to care.

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