Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cleaning - Change

Things change. Flowers bloom and then wither away to leave seeds for the cycle to begin again and for another flower to change and blossom on their own. Time, wind, and rain tear at walls until there is nothing but smooth stones covered in moss in the middle of open fields. Nothing remains permanent, nothing. And I view this as a good thing.

Humanity... could be doing a bit better right now. The world seems to be crashing down in and on itself, when even mother nature has turned her back on us, sick of our constant abuse. And then in turn, we attack one another, tearing and destroying with glee written upon faces. Peace loving hippies find it hard to survive in a world where violence is always the best way to make a point. I really can't say much, I'm a bit of a sadist myself but even in bloodlust, I know when enough is enough.

But I think the worst of it all is apathy. People are starting to care less and less about the world around them, sitting around and waiting for change to happen or believing that they can't make a difference. Bullshit. Everything makes a difference. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that's physics for ya. Even if it is small, there is a reaction. And as for the idea of rejection of work, a rection of the idea... If people recoil from your work, screw them! At least you have planted the idea into their minds, and even if their reaction is one of disgust and horror, it's a thought that they will carry and no doubt share with others. Such is the spread of ideas. Why have books been so treasured and feared throughout history, to the point that they would be burned? Because they are ideas written down and shared with all, a voice echoing through time to the present that may not reflect the culture of now. And with around 5 billion people in this world, (I'm no good with numbers mind you...) chances are, one of them will listen. One of them will agree. And one of them will help. And that's how change happens.

There's hope for humanity. So long as there are stories and ideas to share, there's always hope. Because people can change. Humanity can change, for better or worse, it doesn't matter. So long as it can, there's again that hope that you can make them listen. And that's what I believe.

... I can't have a completely serious post. Damn you, Yuki for making me rant now.
Wombats are rad. Do not forget this.

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