Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cleaning - Children

Children are hellspawn. This is fact, with no exceptions.

I am working at the fair, in need for a couple of volunteer hours if I don't want to be pressed into service during the summer. And I like spending my summer's indoors. So of course, the only job available is working at the county fair for 5 hours or so. 'Haha,' I thought foolishly to myself. 'I'll help set up, serve food to obese penguins disguised as people, and then run home in time to get a couple of rock songs in.' Oh how wrong I was.

Set up was fine, I got to play with tape and colored paper and make a pest of myself to those who entered the circle of death tape. No problem. The problem came when the fair actually opened. I was not the only one who assumed some quick hours serving food, and so by the time I dashed to the food court, they turned me away, having too many volunteers as it was.  'Curses! Where can I work now?' I thought as I glanced around. Fate then decided to mock me by placing me in one of the worst fair positions known to man.

The Dunk Tank.

I am soaked, I am cold, and I have been yelled at and mocked by children less than half my size. If that was not enough, I was then shuffled to the target practice area where instead of being dunked in water, I was attacked by an swarm of those wide eyed bugs with soft balls, strong arms, and bad aim. I hurt now.

But I can not accept defeat! Oh no... The little monstrosities will rue the day they ever met me! Mwhahaha!

Now just to gather an army of sporks...

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