Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cleaning - Victory

Well, I'm rather excited~ Obama won the presidency, huzzah! 

It was rather funny though, finding out about it last night. There was a big celebration from all but one member of my family, (we're just a big huggy bunch of lefties, most of the time) and there was a fun time had by all from food and whatever they had left in the cooler. Though the question that comes to mind for me is, 'now that it's over, what the hell are they going to put in the news now?' But I guess there's really not much need to worry. I'm sure some celebrity or another will get drunk and make an ass of themselves soon enough, they always seem to do.

Best thing about this election though was working by the polls. I was out there from 3:30 to 7:00 throwing Obama pins and my dad's papers at people and it felt good. I actually debated with three people and got them to change their minds before they voted, or so they said to my face. What happened, I'll never know but again, it made me feel proud. I'm personally too young to vote but just the feeling that I've made a difference, even if it was just two drunk guys and a crazy lady, makes me feel giddy inside.  Most told me I was too young to know what the hell I was talking about but eh, screw them. Obama still won, so I'm not that crazy.

Oh, and my father won his election for a seat on the council in the town which we live. Apparently in this town, it's more of a republic system of government than a democratic one. That's fine with me though. It gives me an excuse to run around with my Darth Vadar mask and chuckle evilly. Mwhahaha!

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