Monday, November 3, 2008

Cleaning - Mondays

I remember exactly my first thought that I blurted out this morning as I stepped out the door. "Today's a good day for an alien invasion." Needless to say, I got a few strange looks by people who were just trying to enjoy their coffee and really wanted nothing to do with invasions, alien or otherwise.

But it's true. And it's true for all Mondays, I think. Mondays are those days that make you shudder inside on Sunday, knowing that ugly little Monday morning is about to rear it's head and all you have to slay it with is a prayer and a good cup of tea. For me, it's not really the whole fact that it's a return to work (Though I do dread the papers that sit in my locker and mock me. Evil things.) What drags me down is the return to normalcy. I don't go through the same exact day, obviously, but there's enough of a pattern I nearly drive myself insane. The thought that there are four more days of the same old thing... Geh. I really don't enjoy mondays.

With weekends, you're free to be spontaneous. Go to the movies, go to the park, see a friend, see a group of friends, blow some shit up, run from authorities... Possibilities are endless.

This is why aliens need to invade today or tomorrow, just to mix things up.
Or someone needs to throw a paperclip to me. Those things are amusing as hell.

In other news, Woo~! First blog post! Time to find some celebratory chocolate!

1 comment:

Silence said...

Your crazy... and I enjoy it.