Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cleaning - Night

Parties are always quite interesting things that can either be boring, or so fun that there's miniture explosions and its almost just too much to handle. Tonight was one of the latter. I'm honestly not sure whether this will remain true in the morning, since I'm not quite over the effects of food and punch, but I shall carry on regardless! Mwha!

Twas vampire masquerade themed, which meant I got to go with my trenchcoat, bloodied knife and tophat. I had a lot of fun with my costume, but then again, I always have a lot of fun with costume as anyone who knows me can attest to. I was proud, 5 people mistook me for a guy, which means I got my bindings right this time. And then I went swiming wearing a metal studded jacket which was... difficult, but at least I built some leg muscle. Of course, then there was the pile on, in which I was burried beneath a mountain of bodies.

My only problem was the discovery and explotation of my weak spots which I shall not put over the internets simply because they are my bloody weak points and I don't need them being used against me. >> Then there was the wrist biting... Still tingles. Ugh. I do the fucking biting and blood sucking, no one else. But they got bit back so it was all good in the end. Kaaaaarma's a bitch, ha. Though... I didn't do any biting myself. Odd but eh.

Wheeeee, says the little voice in my head right now. Yes, I do think that I might have lost a little too much oxygen and gotten a little too much of an adrenaline rush from sparing with some people with glow sticks. And losing badly... Oh I lost so badly, but I don't feel bad since he was twice my size and going into the marines. I am made of 100% certified squish, not a single muscle, for better or for worse. I have absolutely nothing more to talk about, other to say that it was a good time to be had by all, I'm currently experiencing hallucinations and I hope that the Empress has a happy birthday. Good night!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cleaning - Change

Things change. Flowers bloom and then wither away to leave seeds for the cycle to begin again and for another flower to change and blossom on their own. Time, wind, and rain tear at walls until there is nothing but smooth stones covered in moss in the middle of open fields. Nothing remains permanent, nothing. And I view this as a good thing.

Humanity... could be doing a bit better right now. The world seems to be crashing down in and on itself, when even mother nature has turned her back on us, sick of our constant abuse. And then in turn, we attack one another, tearing and destroying with glee written upon faces. Peace loving hippies find it hard to survive in a world where violence is always the best way to make a point. I really can't say much, I'm a bit of a sadist myself but even in bloodlust, I know when enough is enough.

But I think the worst of it all is apathy. People are starting to care less and less about the world around them, sitting around and waiting for change to happen or believing that they can't make a difference. Bullshit. Everything makes a difference. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that's physics for ya. Even if it is small, there is a reaction. And as for the idea of rejection of work, a rection of the idea... If people recoil from your work, screw them! At least you have planted the idea into their minds, and even if their reaction is one of disgust and horror, it's a thought that they will carry and no doubt share with others. Such is the spread of ideas. Why have books been so treasured and feared throughout history, to the point that they would be burned? Because they are ideas written down and shared with all, a voice echoing through time to the present that may not reflect the culture of now. And with around 5 billion people in this world, (I'm no good with numbers mind you...) chances are, one of them will listen. One of them will agree. And one of them will help. And that's how change happens.

There's hope for humanity. So long as there are stories and ideas to share, there's always hope. Because people can change. Humanity can change, for better or worse, it doesn't matter. So long as it can, there's again that hope that you can make them listen. And that's what I believe.

... I can't have a completely serious post. Damn you, Yuki for making me rant now.
Wombats are rad. Do not forget this.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cleaning - Children

Children are hellspawn. This is fact, with no exceptions.

I am working at the fair, in need for a couple of volunteer hours if I don't want to be pressed into service during the summer. And I like spending my summer's indoors. So of course, the only job available is working at the county fair for 5 hours or so. 'Haha,' I thought foolishly to myself. 'I'll help set up, serve food to obese penguins disguised as people, and then run home in time to get a couple of rock songs in.' Oh how wrong I was.

Set up was fine, I got to play with tape and colored paper and make a pest of myself to those who entered the circle of death tape. No problem. The problem came when the fair actually opened. I was not the only one who assumed some quick hours serving food, and so by the time I dashed to the food court, they turned me away, having too many volunteers as it was.  'Curses! Where can I work now?' I thought as I glanced around. Fate then decided to mock me by placing me in one of the worst fair positions known to man.

The Dunk Tank.

I am soaked, I am cold, and I have been yelled at and mocked by children less than half my size. If that was not enough, I was then shuffled to the target practice area where instead of being dunked in water, I was attacked by an swarm of those wide eyed bugs with soft balls, strong arms, and bad aim. I hurt now.

But I can not accept defeat! Oh no... The little monstrosities will rue the day they ever met me! Mwhahaha!

Now just to gather an army of sporks...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cleaning - Victory

Well, I'm rather excited~ Obama won the presidency, huzzah! 

It was rather funny though, finding out about it last night. There was a big celebration from all but one member of my family, (we're just a big huggy bunch of lefties, most of the time) and there was a fun time had by all from food and whatever they had left in the cooler. Though the question that comes to mind for me is, 'now that it's over, what the hell are they going to put in the news now?' But I guess there's really not much need to worry. I'm sure some celebrity or another will get drunk and make an ass of themselves soon enough, they always seem to do.

Best thing about this election though was working by the polls. I was out there from 3:30 to 7:00 throwing Obama pins and my dad's papers at people and it felt good. I actually debated with three people and got them to change their minds before they voted, or so they said to my face. What happened, I'll never know but again, it made me feel proud. I'm personally too young to vote but just the feeling that I've made a difference, even if it was just two drunk guys and a crazy lady, makes me feel giddy inside.  Most told me I was too young to know what the hell I was talking about but eh, screw them. Obama still won, so I'm not that crazy.

Oh, and my father won his election for a seat on the council in the town which we live. Apparently in this town, it's more of a republic system of government than a democratic one. That's fine with me though. It gives me an excuse to run around with my Darth Vadar mask and chuckle evilly. Mwhahaha!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cleaning - Mondays

I remember exactly my first thought that I blurted out this morning as I stepped out the door. "Today's a good day for an alien invasion." Needless to say, I got a few strange looks by people who were just trying to enjoy their coffee and really wanted nothing to do with invasions, alien or otherwise.

But it's true. And it's true for all Mondays, I think. Mondays are those days that make you shudder inside on Sunday, knowing that ugly little Monday morning is about to rear it's head and all you have to slay it with is a prayer and a good cup of tea. For me, it's not really the whole fact that it's a return to work (Though I do dread the papers that sit in my locker and mock me. Evil things.) What drags me down is the return to normalcy. I don't go through the same exact day, obviously, but there's enough of a pattern I nearly drive myself insane. The thought that there are four more days of the same old thing... Geh. I really don't enjoy mondays.

With weekends, you're free to be spontaneous. Go to the movies, go to the park, see a friend, see a group of friends, blow some shit up, run from authorities... Possibilities are endless.

This is why aliens need to invade today or tomorrow, just to mix things up.
Or someone needs to throw a paperclip to me. Those things are amusing as hell.

In other news, Woo~! First blog post! Time to find some celebratory chocolate!