Monday, April 27, 2009

Cleaning - Bizarre Food and more Angst. Yay.

I fail at keeping promises. >< BAD NINJA, POST MORE. Anywho...

I gotta say, keeping a blog is actually kinda nice. Very thereputic in a way, even if no one has a clue to what you're saying. Just nice to write things down and then laugh about yourself if you happen to peak back a month or two later.

This blog is about bizarre food.

They're very interesting things, refridgerators are. You can keep things in there far past their experation date and not even notice until the tentacles start flailing about and the walls suddenly attract a weird blue fuzz. No. I promise, that is not how my refridgerator looks like. But I did stuble upon something amazing, something magical.

Now, anyone who knows me I can not make anything more complicated than a PB&J. And that, only if you happen to be lucky. This is usually in my oversight to read the food packaging be it instructions or numbers or anything. Food is food, and I eat it. Simple, neh?

So a friend of mine was over and we got a bad case of the midnight munchies. So we go digging in the fridge and hit jackpot. 10 bars of pure Hershey's chocolate. Good and delicious substance of the gods. And we indulge, munching down three. But the only problem is, it seems that at some point of their lives, the chocolate had melted, then remelted, resulting in a watery taste and odd texture. We're hungry teens. Taste and texture matter not, so we wolf 'em down anyways.

The night moves on and we return for a second attack. In our second go, I check the back out of curiousity because I figure, meh, might as well start reading packages. The expiration date? March 2, 2001. We just ate 10 year old chocolate.


I regret nothing.